Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Man cuts off his own finger…on purpose


In a fit of rage I can never image pursuing, a Portuguese man has cut off his own finger with a butchers knife.  In court.  On the defence table.

A judge refused his offer to settle a 170,000 euro debt and said part of his farm must be sold. 

The craziest part is that the man himself said that

“"My intention was to tear up all the case papers and splatter them with blood so I could prevent the expropriation order for my land,"”

I don’t really think that would have stopped anything, but it does go to show just how emotional and frustrated this man was. 

Without more details its hard to go into the legal specifics of this case, but I frankly can’t understand why a judge would refuse an offer to pay the debt directly and would order the sale of part of the property.  I can only assume that the Court had some information not provided in the news clip, but if they did not than this sounds a lot like it offends the principles of justice.

[Source: Reuters]

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